Monday, May 23, 2016


May 18, 2016

Trustees of the Chazy Public Library
Roll Call and Introductions:  The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm by George Brendler (President). Present were Trustees: George Brendler, Debby Powers,  Jill Beeman,  Terry Tregan, Kristin McAuliffe and Gloria LaDue.  Also attending were Frances Fairchild (Director), and guest Parker O’Mara.

Public Forum
 Judy McDonald is the new President for The Friends of the Library.
Parker O’Mara introduced himself to the board. Parker will be moving to Chazy this summer and has offered to volunteer at the library.

Review of minutes for April 27, 2016:
Motion made by Debby to accept the minutes, seconded by Kristin, motion passed.

Treasurer's Report:
Checking acct balance as of April 30, 2016 is $85,043.61.
Motion made to accept Treasurer's report by Jill, seconded by Terry, motion passed.

Director' Report:
Activities ongoing.
Summer programming: Nan Hoffman, July 20. Sweet Adelines, Aug 3.
Summer Reading program scheduled for July 26-28.


Committee Reports:
Collections – Ongoing.

Policies –   Computer and internet policy needs revising to comply with Children’s Internet Protection Act if we participate in the e-rate grant.

Public Relations/Programs -    
Working on scheduling summer programs.
A summer program calendar will be sent home with school children once schedule is finalized.

Property Maintenance – Waiting for contract from Yard by Yard for summer mowing.

Old Business: 
Motion to accept Annual Report with corrections, by Kristin, seconded by George. Motion passed.
Debby is working on E-rate application with Betsy Brooks.

Planning document and Mission statement were reviewed by Debby and Jill.

New Business:
Board self evaluations were turned in.

Yearly organizational Items:
May 17 school budget results: Proposition to support Chazy Public Library with $37,500 passed 204 in favor 66 against.
Gloria LaDue elected as Trustee to Library Board.
George Brendler’s term has expired effective May 18, 2016.

New officers: Debby Powers-President, Kristin McAuliffe- Vice President, Jill Beeman-Treasurer, Terry Tregan-Secretary, Gloria LaDue-Member at Large.
Motion made by George to accept officers as listed, seconded by Jill. Motion passed.
TD Bank and Raymond James will remain library banks, Peerless and Selective will remain library insurance companies. Board meeting dates were scheduled.
Conflict of interest forms were signed and filed.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Next meeting, June 29 at 5:30 pm .

Respectfully submitted,
Jill Beeman