Thursday, September 24, 2015

Minutes of the July 22nd Trustees' Meeting

July 22, 2015

Trustees of the Chazy Public Library
Roll Call and Introductions:  The meeting was called to order at 5:35pm by George Brendler (President). Present were Trustees: George Brendler, Debby Powers, Jill Beeman,   Kristen McAuliffe and Terry Tregan.  Also, attending were Frances Fairchild (Director) and Rae McAuliffe (FOL).

 Motion was made by Debby, 2nd by Kristen to nominate Terry Tregan for election
 to fill the unexpired position left open by the resignation of Tammy Braun. Motion        passed. Terry signed her oath of office and George filed it.

Public Forum
 Friends of the Library Report:
 Town wide garage sale is planned for July 25. The Friends will not be hosting a table
 at Chazy Old Homes Day this year.
Review of minutes for June 24, 2015:
Motion made by Kristen to accept the minutes, seconded by Debby, motion passed.

Treasurer's Report:
Checking acct balance as of May 31, 2015 is $64,820.92.
Motion made to accept Treasurer's report by Jill, seconded by Kristen, motion passed.
Motion was made by Jill, seconded by Terry, To give John Brendler $300 for IT work.
Motion was passed.

The gazebo and storage shed will be added to our insurance policy.

Director' Report:
Activities ongoing.
Attendance to events has been disappointing.
There have been requests to have children’s yoga on a regular basis. Kristen is working
on this for the Fall.
 Motion was made by Debby, seconded by Kristen to purchase Clean Slate Maintenance software for $335.93. This is a one year subscription that is installed on all computers.

Jill will send a Thank you note to the Girl Scouts for planting flowers on the property.
We turned down the Community Service request from the Probation Dept as the person
never contacted us.
We received a notice from CEFLS that we will receive Senator Betty Little  $2500 “bullet aid. We have tagged this money to purchase a new computer for the Children’s area.

Committee Reports:
Collections - Ongoing.

Policies – Updates were prepared by George and given to all Trustees for Volunteer policy and Disaster Response Team list.

Public Relations/Programs -    
Larry Ebere, July 23, 6:30. Weather permitting. Free
Town wide garage sale/Book sale, July 25.
Bob Clark, book signing. Aug 1.
Sweet Adelines/Straw Hatters/Ice Cream Social, Aug 6, 6pm. Rain date Aug 7. ($200)

Property Maintenance
Some minor repairs that need to be done. We will check with the school’s Key Club and
National Honor Society to see if they are interested in tackling any of these as a Community Service Project.

Old Business: 
Small refrigerator was donated by the Beeman family for upstairs.
Long range plan updated by Debby and Jill was posted.

New Business:

Meeting was adjourned at 6:19pm.
Next meeting, September 23 at 5:30 .

Respectfully submitted,
Jill Beeman