Thursday, August 23, 2012



Chazy Public Library Trustees' Meeting

July 25, 2012 at the Chazy Public Library

Roll call and Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by President George Brendler. Also present were Trustees Debby Powers, Tina Trombly and Angela Swan as well as Director Francie Fairchild and Emily Castine, Chairperson for Collection Development. Trustee Meehan was excused.

Public Forum

Friend's Report - Town wide yard sale will be hosted by the Friends on Saturday, July 28. Maps will be available in front of the Hubbell building due to driveway construction at the new building.

Review of minutes of June 27rd, 2012: Motion by Trustee Trombly to accept the minutes as presented. Second by Trustee Powers. Motion passed.

Treasurer's Report

Motion by Trustee Swan to accept the General Fund Report as presented, second by Trustee Trombly. Motion Passed. Beginning balance: $30,760.44. Ending balance: $40,605. Significant activity included deposit of proceeds from the sale of the Hubbell building.

Motion by Trustee Trombly to accept the Renovation Fund report as presented. Second by Trustee Swan. Motion passed. Beginning balance: $1,345.00, ending balance $13,885.72. Significant activity included deposit of $10,000 from the Charles Wood foundation and a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the Hubbell building.

Two Grant checks received: Charles Wood in the amount of $10,000. Phase II NYS Construction grant: $36,639.00. Phase I NYS Construction grant funds: $7,921.00. NYS grant deposits will be reflected in next month’s report. Trustee Powers presented a draft report with the items listed.

Director's Report

Betsy Brooks has offered to give a seminar on how to download books onto a personal computer. Francie is checking to see if there is an interest.

Conference call re: Lifetime Arts resulted in only two libraries deciding to participate in the program. Chazy will not be participating this year.

Summer Reading Camp will be presenting a play tomorrow at 11:00. Trustees are invited to attend.

Library traffic continues to increase as does the issuance of new library cards. A discount pass to the Wild Center in Tupper Lake is available at the Library. We also have a free pass available to Echo Lake Aquarium in Burlington. Families can check out the pass like they check out books and return the card after 4 days.

Committee Reports

Policy Committee – On hold due to construction

Public Relations – Facebook likes are up to 71. Feedback is good.

Collection Development: Emily Castine Trustee Powers report that bar coding is slowly catching up. Weeding of children's books is underway. Emily displayed an interesting mix of titles she has donated to the collection and strongly suggested that we subscribe to the Library Journal, a professional publication, for Francie as it offers excellent, unbiased reviews of books. Motion by Trustee Swan to go ahead with the subscription. Second by Trustee Powers. Motion passed. Cost: $101.99 per year.

Correspondence: None

Unfinished business

Safe Combination: Everyone who needs it now has it.

Archiving Board information: Trustee Swan has moved the archives collection to the Brendler Board room for filing.

Flag pole status: No update

New business

Trustees Powers and Brendler changed President's signature with TDBank

Thank You to Judy Sanger for air conditioner

Control of lights: Reminder to please turn off the lights as you leave the board room and other areas of the building.

Flower bed direction: New landscaping will be needed in front of the building once the driveway is complete. Tina will approach the gardening club about taking on the project.

Plaque placement: New plaques have arrived. Work session immediately following the meeting.

School group art scheduled for specific times of the year: General discussion of a rotating schedule and whether other age groups could also contribute. Angela will check with the War of 1812 Museum for artwork to display in honor of the 200th anniversary.

Book sale by friends will have to be moved to September 1 to allow plenty of time to complete the community room for use that day. Tables and chairs will have to be in place by then.

Project Progress Reports

Fundraising – Trustee Trombly reported that raffle tickets are still being sold.

Drawing to be held at Old Home Day.

Furnishings – Trustees Powers and Trombly

Oak table leafs are in place, handsomely done by Wood Works.

Gilded sign and brass signage has arrived.

Tables, stools, and carriers for Community Room will be ordered soon.

Community Room portable metal shelves status

Grants – Trustee Brendler

Reports e-mailed; FS10F for Phase II to be started

Legal Aspects –Trustee Swan. No report

Project Manager's Report – GAB

Beeman's completed prep of driveway and parking lot

Drains from Clark house and our own gutters are tied into drain pipes to river

Electrical conduit pipe leading to high ground in back placed under parking lot

West's installed a metal gutter in front of rear portico

Plattsburgh paving applied binder and top coats of blacktop

Wests constructed decorative stone wall

Community Room windows are on order

Two air conditioning units operating on main floor; donated one in Board Room

Community Room floor tiles are on site, work starts this week (7-25)

Spot lights for corner of building will be installed later by West

Fireplace readjustment is on the West schedule

The Town will pour the side walk in the near future

Consensus on handicapped railings in parking lot

Consensus on concrete curbing on river side of parking lot

Next meeting Aug 22, 2012, 5:30 Library Board Room. Trustee Swan will provide refreshments.

Motion to adjourn by Trustee Swan at 7:00.

Respectfully submitted,

Angela Swan
