Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Minutes of the July 27th, 2016 Trustees' Meeting (Unaccepted)

July 27, 2016

Trustees of the Chazy Public Library
Roll Call and Introductions:  The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Debby Powers (President). Present were Trustees:  Debby Powers,  Jill Beeman, Kristin McAuliffe and Gloria LaDue.  Terry Tregan was absent. Also attending were Frances Fairchild (Director), and guest Andrew Castrantas of Storedtech.

Public Forum
Friends Report- No Friends were present. Town wide yard sale is this weekend, July 30.

Andrew Castrantas of Storedtech went over his proposal for computer support.

Review of minutes for June 29, 2016:
Motion made by Jill to accept the minutes, seconded by Kristin, motion passed.

Treasurer's Report:
Checking acct balance as of June 30, 2016 is $80,271.91.
Motion made to accept Treasurer's report by Jill, seconded by Gloria, motion passed.

Director' Report:
Activities ongoing.
Attendance at July events was very disappointing. Thoughts for next year are, schedule the events during a Saturday story hour, or sponsor the event and have them at school during school hours.

Sweet Adelines is scheduled for Wednesday, August 3. Trustees will set up at 5:30 and
Scoop ice cream.

Jill will send Harry West a thank you note for planting flowers.

Committee Reports:
Collections – Ongoing.

Policies –   Computer and internet policy needs revising to comply with Children’s Internet Protection Act if we participate in the e-rate grant.

Public Relations/Programs -    

Property Maintenance

Old Business:   
2nd phone line for fax machine has been approved through erate program.
Second phase of application for equipment has been complete and waiting for approval.

Debby has been in contact with Civil Service department and working on paperwork for that.

New Business:
Discussion on recognizing Helen Sweet for her service to the library with a photo.
Jill will contact a family member to get one.

Discussion on whether we should participate in the POKEMON GO craze.
Jill will contact the Peru library as it is thought they are participating.

Motion was made to by Jill to use Storedtech for our computer support.
Motion 2nd by Gloria. Motion passes.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.
Next meeting, September 28 at 5:30 pm .