Thursday, July 31, 2014

JULY 24TH MINUTES (Accepted)

July 24 , 2014

Trustees of the Chazy Public Library
Roll Call and Introductions:  The meeting was called to order at 5:31 by George Brendler (President). Present were Trustees: George Brendler, Debby Powers, Tammy Braun and Jill Beeman. Kristen McAuliffe was excused for vacation.  Also, attending were Frances Fairchild (Director) and  Rae McAuliffe (FOL).

 Public Forum
Friends of Library report: Everything is in place for Saturday's (26th) Town Wide garage sale. FOL plans on having a table at Sunday's (27th) Old Homes Day. They are
trying to organize a book sale for the Fall.

Review of minutes for June 26, 2014:
Debby Powers moved to accept minutes, seconded by Tammy Braun.

Treasurer's Report:
Checking acct balance as of June 30, 2014 is $ 60,607.28
Motion to accept Treasurer's report by Tammy Braun, seconded by Jill Beeman.
Debby made note  that we have only received $500 from Granger, we are waiting for an additional $1000.

Director' Report:
Summer reading camp and Story Crafters have been well attended. Future programming
was discussed. Francie will attend CEF meeting in October, hopefully Kristen and
Tammy will be able to attend as well.

New note cards have arrived.
George sent a Thank you note to the CCRS school board and Superintendant for
the musical event at the gazebo in May. Pictures were sent to Norman Laurin.

Committee Reports
Programs - Programs and activities were discussed. Attendance at some programs
have been disappointing. Sweet Adelines was well attended. Many outdoor events scheduled for August.

Policy - New trustee and contact list was given to each trustee for their handbooks.
Kindle policy still being developed.

Public Relations - George will be giving Nancy Vesco information to put in the school's newsletter . Still working on the Community report. Discussion about creating a list
of emails to be used for publicity of events. Tammy has volunteered to work on this.

Property Maintenance - Dale Anderson cleaned Dr. Clark's clock and it is working
beautifully. Jill will send Dale a Thank you. We may not bother with the river water
pump at this time.  

Old Business: 
George and Kristen interviewed Judy Bergeron as a candidate for substitute.
We will use her as needed.

The weathervane was installed on the library by Alan Duprey. Jill will send Alan
a Thank you.

The insurance  policy was reviewed. It was noted that we should request certificates of
insurance from any contractors that do work on the property.

Debby purchased Styluses for the Kindles.
Jeff Higgins was given keys as a first responder.

New Business:
The time management log was reviewed. The director will start using it in August.
Options for a sandwich board to be used for publicity were looked at. We decided
to wait until the Presbyterian Church orders theirs. We will see what it looks like
and decide what will work best for us then.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:55
Next meeting September 25, 2014

Respectfully submitted,

Jill Beeman