Wednesday, June 26, 2013



Chazy Public Library Trustee’s Meeting

May 22, 2013 at 5:00 p.m.

Roll call: The meeting was called to order by President George Brendler at 5:25. Present were Trustees D. Powers, T. Trombly, and newly elected Kristin McAuliffe. J. Meehan was absent. Also present were Library director F. Fairchild, Friend’s President C. Harding and Collection development chairperson E. Castine.

Public Forum

Friends’ report- Carolyn sent a large bouquet of flowers to the teacher in charge of the NHS. She was very sorry that the Friends were unable to host this year’s event. The Friends will have a meeting on 5/29/13 at 7:00 in the community room. Items to be discussed are the Town wide yard sale and Labor Day book sale.

Collection Development- Emily reported that she continues to purchase books for the collection. Kristin mentioned that some of the new books could be featured on Facebook. Emily would like patrons to comment on the books as a way of increasing interest in our new purchases.

Review Minutes of 4/24/13: Motion by T. Trombly to accept the minutes with one correction, seconded by D. Powers. All in favor.

Treasurer’s Report: Motion by K. McAuliffe to accept the report as presented, second by T. Trombly. All in favor. Beginning balance:$61396.50, ending $58631.88, $4308.24 is earmarked for special projects.

Directors’ Report: Francie described recent workshops she has attended. Community room use is up. Her full report is attached.

Committee Reports:

Policy-George continues to update the trustee’s policy book.

Public Relations-Kristin will assume this responsibility.

Legal Affairs will be discontinued.

Garden Committee-Tina reported that the first class was well attended. Joann Trombly is planning a garden series that will go into the fall. The library grounds need attention. Tina asked for volunteers at the last class. Tina will continue to ask at up-coming classes. Tina’s time is limited. Mary Higgins is interested in helping.

Correspondence: None. George just asked that we make every attempt to send thank you notes to the community members that help us in any way.

Unfinished Business:

Hometown cable filmed our progress since we opened. It is available on our web site.

The Gazebo is in place and beautiful. There are a few things left to do. Tina will order a plaque and Debby, Kristin and Tina will pick out a light fixture. George will speak with the donor and ask about his interest in a dedication.

Flag pole has been installed, waiting till we have solar light to hang the flag.

Magazine racks still need to be ordered.

The United Way (UPS) sent 5 people to help clean windows and dust the library.

The Story Crafters will be here on 7/23.

Summer Reading Program will finish by 7/31/13. Francie will ask Stewarts about doing an ice cream social.

Book signing discussed, Holly Middleton and Lorna Earl.

New Business:

George has serviced the lawn mower and has been mowing. A large tree has been removed from the adjacent property (with their permission). He mentioned that there are some large rocks that could be moved near the parking area as a barrier to driving into the river. Future project. Air conditioners will be placed very soon.

Motion to accept the Long Range plan by D. Powers and seconded by K. McAuliffe. All in favor.

George had a question about the Library of Congress Website. He asked that we table this until he speaks with J. Brendler.

Kirsten asked if we could create a new committee that would address child and family issues? We all agreed that it would enhance our community library. She will act as the chair.

Organizational Items:

Budget vote passed; 182/57 in favor and K. McAuliffe was elected with 215 votes. Kristin will go to the Town Hall and be sworn in.

George presented the slate of officers;

T. Trombly-President, G. Brendler-V. President, J. Meehan-Secretary, K. McAuliffe-Corresponding Secretary, and D. Powers as Treasurer. All in favor.

Motion to continue using TD Bank, NBT Insurance Agency and Raymond James Fund made by T. Trombly and seconded by D. Powers. All in favor. Tina and Debby will have to update the signatures for the checking account.

Motion to adopt the fiscal year meeting dates calendar made by K. McAuliffe and seconded by D. Powers. All in favor.

G. Brendler collected the conflict of interest forms from all trustees present.

Review of minutes for motions

Motion to adjourn by G. Brendler at 6:35.

Next meeting will be 6/24/13 at 5:00.

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Trombly

Tina Trombly, Trustee.