Tuesday, February 21, 2012


The content of the below headings are posted consecutively following the list

Minutes of previous meetings
Director's report
Treasurer's Report
Volunteer Policy (draft)
Project Manager's Report
Project Related On-site Activities GAB

Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting

New Library Site, 1329 Fiske Road, at 5:15 PM

Agenda for 2/22/12

1. Roll Call and Introductions

2. Public Forum: Carolyn Harding, President, Friends of the Library

Carol Ladd, knitting group request

3. Review of Minutes of Meeting on January 25, 2012, and Special Meeting of February 15, 2012

4. Treasurer's Report

5. Director’s Report

6. Correspondence

7. Website update: Trustee Brendler

8. Old or Unfinished Business:

Kerns’ triple-matched donation for books

Review of Closing Procedures for library as per Director Fairchild

Decorations policy

Building usage policy (pre-Community Room completion)

Snapshot Day photos


9. New Business:

Opening Meetings Law

Procedures Guidebook

Cleaning contract

Volunteers’ policy

Purchase of laser printer (4in1) through Gates Grant for public use

Possible “garage sale” in April for certain items in basement

Library Trustees Association membership

Thank-you notes update


10. Project Manger’s Report:

Fund-raising – Trustee Trombly

Furnishings – Trustee Castine

Shelving (Dennis Ruddy)

Cabinetry (circulation area)

Children’s Room furnishings – Trustee Trombly

Framing of children’s quilt

Reading Room furnishings: side table, lamps

Art hanging system

Grants Team –Trustee Castine:

Conference Call with Mary Todd of NYS DLD on Online Filing of Grant Applications set for 2/7/2012

Dormitory Authority – Public Library Construction Grant (mid-March announcement)

Legal Aspects Team – Kavanaugh Realty contract

On-site Construction Team – Trustee Brendler

Plaque Committee – Trustees Trombly

11. Review of Current Minutes (for motions and seconds)

12. Next Meeting: March 28, 2012, at 5:30 PM, 1329 Fiske

13. Adjournment

Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting (draft) 
New Library Site, 1329 Fiske Road, 5:30 PM

1. Roll Call and Introductions: Present were Trustees Emily Castine, George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Debby Powers, Angela Swan, Francie Fairchild, Chazy Library Director and Carolyn Harding, President of the Friends of the Chazy Library

2. Public Forum: Carolyn Harding
The December 10th event was a huge success. Over 200 people were in attendance for the grand opening and holiday tea. Volunteers worked very hard on sandwiches and decorations and all went very smoothly.
Next meeting January 30 at 6:30 at Nina Coolidge’s home.
Planning and construction have started on the new office/storage space for the Friends in the basement of the library. Completion will be part of Phase II construction.

3. Review of Minutes of meeting on November 30, 2011
Motion by Trustee Powers to accept the minutes as edited. Second by Trustee Brendler. Passed.

4. Treasurer's Report
Motion by Trustee Brendler to accept the November renovation fund and general fund reports as presented. Second by Trustee Swan. Passed. We had a beginning balance of $63,597.62 and an ending balance of $35,358.48 in the renovation fund and a beginning balance of $6,698.33 and an ending balance of $40,707.00 for the general fund thanks to the arrival of the CCRS tax levy check.
Motion by Trustee Swan, second by Trustee Trombly to accept the December renovation and general fund reports as presented. We had a beginning balance of $35,358.48 and an ending balance of $31,557.87 in the renovation fund and a beginning balance of $40,707.00 and an ending balance of $40,245.77 in the general fund.
Trustee Powers presented a report of the cost per square foot of Phase I construction.

5. Director's Report:
Volunteers are bar coding and organizing shelves.
Borrower card issuance is up since the move. We now have 838 registered patrons.
Linda LaPier offered to bring her therapy dog for reading times with individual students.
Discussion of Press Republican subscription offer.
Snap Shot Day will be February 4th and 13th. Photos will be taken and sent to Albany to show how libraries are being used in NY State.
Motion by Trustee Swan, second by Trustee Trombly to grant permission for Francie to start shopping for a new circulation desk computer.
6. Correspondence: None
7. President’s Report: No report.
8. On-line Publicity Committee – Trustee Swan. No report. Trustee Brendler has met with our webmaster to update the site and discuss training for in-house editing of the website.
9. Old or Unfinished Business
Moving plan
Grand Opening:
Decorations: Were lovely
Refreshments: Were restaurant-quality
Publicity – Local media provided excellent coverage.
Over 200 people attended.
Custodial services for library for 2012: Trustee Swan presented four bids for review. Consensus to interview the most recent applicant and choose next week. Trustee Powers will check online for a standard custodial contract form.
Trustee Brendler suggested we clarify our personnel policy as follows: “Only Board-authorized personnel shall be permitted to service any equipment, perform any maintenance or provide any technical support at the newly expanded Chazy Public Library.” Volunteers may be permitted to perform such tasks, but only with the express permission of the Board. Consensus followed.
Knox Box: Trustee Brendler presented photos and a proposal for us to become the second business in town to install this exterior key vault for use by emergency personnel. Motion by Trustee Powers to purchase a Knox Box for $250, second by Trustee Trombly. Motion passed.
Security System update: Trustee Brendler reports that the cost of the interior camera system could exceed $1,000. Consensus to continue with the project.
Key Control: Trustee Brendler asked each Trustee to sign for every key she has as a security measure. He emphasized that Trustees will be responsible for the cost replacing any key that they misplace.
501c (3) clarification: President Castine read a document clarifying that our library is a school district library and so is, by definition, tax exempt. No separate IRS status is needed.
10. New Business:
Review of thank you notes pending
A book discussion group with a modern parenting theme has been proposed by Kristin McAuliffe to be held at the library during business hours starting in April. Enthusiasm was expressed by the Trustees at the prospect of book clubs meeting at our site.
Webinar 1/18/12: Trustees Castine and Swan attended a webinar on silent auction planning, which was useful.
Decorations policy; Trustee Swan moved to table the establishment of the decorations policy and the building usage policy until the February meeting.
Plaques for room naming will be handled by Trustee Trombly.
Ongoing Book Sale and Dr. Clark’s books: Trustee Castine has been working on sorting the collections, which are currently housed on the lower level of the library.
Sunshine fund: All Trustees are paid up.
11. Project Manager’s Report
Fund-raising Team –
Trustee Swan reported lower than usual participation due to the heavy fundraising events of the past year.
Trustee Swan proposed a garage sale in April to clear space in the basement for Phase II renovations. Trustee Trombly will assist.
Furnishings – Trustee Castine
Shelving installation: installation of pull-outs and remaining shelves has been completed
Circulation Area –Consensus to proceed with the installation of wall cabinets on the wall behind and to the left of the director’s chair.
Children’s Room : Book shelf arrangement did not turn out as we had envisioned. Trustee Brendler reports that it will cost $450 to alter the current layout. Consensus to proceed.
Reading Room: Magazine storage location is a problem. Discussion of side tables and lamps.
Grants Team – Trustee Castine reported a conference call with Mary Todd of NYS DLD on the topic of online filing of grant applications, which is set for February 7, 2010.
Trustee Castine reported that we have passed the first stage of the second phase of grant approval for state funding to complete Phase II construction.
Legal Aspects Team –Trustee Swan presented an offer for purchase of the Hubbell Building, which was rejected as being too low. Motion by Trustee Brendler, Second by Trustee Trombly to reject verbal offer for purchase of the Hubbell Building based on current assessed value of the building.
On-site Construction Team – Trustee Brendler
Phase II work has begun. Storage room for the Director is nearly complete. Extra shelving has been very handy for use on the lower level. Furnace room is complete and doubles nicely as custodian’s storage. The Board Room is nearing completion. We have plenty of filing cabinets for the Trustees and Friends. Trustee Swan will donate and executive desk chair.
12. Review of Current Minutes (for motions and seconds)
13. Next Meeting: February 22, 2011, at 5:30 PM at the library.
14. Motion to adjourn by Trustee Swan at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Angela Swan
Special Meeting of the Trustees of the Chazy Library(draft)
Thursday, February 9, 2012, 5:30 p.m.
Chazy Public Library

Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees Brendler, Powers, Trombly and Swan. Also present was library director Francie Fairchild. The purpose of the meeting was threefold: To accept an offer for purchase of the Hubbell Building, to accept a bid from a cleaning contractor and to consider a ceiling tile bid for the lower level board room.
First item of business
Trustee Swan moved to accept a written offer for purchase of the Hubbell Building, contingent upon building inspection and due diligence. Anticipated closing date: on or before April 15, 2012. All items of the proposal were presented and reviewed. Trustee Trombly seconded the motion and it passed. President Castine signed the contract on behalf of the Trustees.
Second item of business
Trustee Powers moved that we accept a bid by Sonya Clarke to do weekly cleaning at the new library at a rate of $9 per hour for 1 ½ to 2 hours per week. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brendler. Motion passed. Trustee Swan will follow up on the matter.
Third item of business
Trustee Brendler moved to proceed with installation of new ceiling tiles in the storage and board rooms on the lower level. After a brief tour of the lower level and an explanation of the project, the motion was seconded by Trustee Powers and the motion passed. Cost: $2312.00
Trustee Swan made a motion to adjourn at 6:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Angela Swan


Checking account balance as of November 30, 2011 $ 35358.48


Memorial Donations (Ann Meehan) $ 400.00
NYSERTA rebate (lighting) $ 400.00
Lake Placid Education Foundation Grant $ 10000.00
Donation (globe, reading room) $ 500.00
Total receipts: $ 11300.00


Chazy Hardware $ 455.48
Lowe’s $ 122.56
West Brothers $ 4346.50
Curtis Lumber $ 870.80
Signmaker $ 20.00
Staples $ 35.56
Lake Champlain Pools (fireplace) $ 699.00
Highsmith (children’s room) $ 2420.73
Woodworks $ 2040.00**
R. Deso (concrete) $ 972.00
Dawn’s Furniture (chairs reading room) $ 1797.00
Sears (vacuum) $ 210.98

Total disbursements: $ 13990.61

Checking account balance as of December 31, 2011: $ 32667.87

**returned check from Wood Works



Checking account balance as of January 31, 2012 $ 24617.50


Return Lowe’s purchase $83.26
Total receipts: $ 83.26


Chazy Hardware $ 14.19
Lowe’s $ 203.66
Curtis Lumber $ 166.42
Woodworks (glass) $ 303.48
UPS $ 5.00
West Brothers Construction $ 2723.49
Champlain Valley Electric $ 323.37
Staples $ 29.99
Knox Co (fire dept lock box) $ 281.00
Charlie’s Counter Tops $ 1027.76
CPL General fund reimbursement Globe purchase $ 98.95

Total disbursements: $ 5177.31

Checking account balance as of February 29, 2012: $ 19523.45

Grant balance available for technology $ 10000.00

Actual available balance $ 9523.45



Checking account balance as of December 31, 2011 $ 32667.87


Total receipts: $ 0.00


Chazy Hardware $ 341.05
Lowe’s $ 305.30
Curtis Lumber $ 483.24
Woodworks $ 3150.00
Library Interiors (bench, pullout shelves) $ 2022.00
Rene’s Repairs (furnace air vent) $ 527.78
Roswell Beeman (backhoe, sand, stone) $ 1221.00

Total disbursements: $ 8050.37

Checking account balance as of January 31, 2012: $ 24617.50

Grant balance available for technology $ 10000.00

Actual available balance $ 14617.50

Checking account balance as of December 31, 2011: $40245.77


Checking account interest $ 3.36
Holiday Book Drive $ 225.00
Memorial donation (Class of 1967) $ 50.00
Construction grant interest $ 2.01
Total receipts: $ 280.37

Payroll (for Jan 2012) $ 754.18
James Smith & Son fuel oil $ 900.47
Suburban Propane (Rt 9) $ 381.97
George Brendler (paper towels, mat) $ 49.38
Walmart ( wastepaper baskets) $ 11.91
ProSource Specialties (magnets) $ 122.50
Zurich American insurance co (NYS disability) $ 45.36
Staples (4-in-1) $ 314.43
US Treasury (4th quarter taxes) $ 832.37
USPS stamps for grand opening $ 17.60

Total disbursements: $ 3430.17

Checking account balance as of January 31, 2012: $ 37095.97


Raymond James Money Market Acct balance $50667.70 (+$0.31)

       DIRECTOR’S REPORT 2/22/2012

Snap shot day- E-mail from Betsy

Computers – Betsy to order new Computer for Circ Desk. Will use old computer for barcoding, etc. by volunteer. Might be getting 2 more computers from the border (Otiplexes) if I can figure out how to do the on-line application.

GRANTS. E Rate (telephone discount) 2012-13. Submitted 470 (first of 3 forms).

Betty Little– will work with Elizabeth ASAP.. (health/behavior/learning problems/ etc).

Stewarts – Submitted. Thanks to Emily for doing the narration part.

Gates Sustainability Grant –Must use funds leftover from buying grant computers ($1161 by Sept 2012, from 2008 (about $400 left after subtracting printer cost and ?????).  $1221 from 2009. use by by Sept 2013, 4 years from conclusion of Gates Grant.  Must be used for technology for public use, (Preferably for more computers or to create a fund for future technical support, maintenance and upgrades for Gates computers (expended within the 4 years).

The goal of the grant is to plan for and create a sustainable public computing program, with additional local funds to perpetuate these funds.


Sat 4 Feb.- w/ Kristin McAuliffe “The Mitten Tree” 10:30 to 11:30  Had 20 children !! many new.

Next 3 march with Diane Sabourin.  “Fun with Dr. Seuss”

Peter Pan – Wed 1 Feb..  w/Diane & Esther Dominy 9 children, 2 adults.

Next 7 March

.New borrower cards issued   

2010: 68 added – 2 deleted. Beginning total 774 + 64 = 838 current patrons.

2011: Feb -3, March – 9, April – 3, May- 6 ,June – 8, July – 7, Aug.– 4, Sept- 5.

Oct- 5.  looking for list. Several since move.

Meetings attended :.2/06 CEF Workshop on Juvenile good books.

Carry –over stuff

Can borrow scanner from CEF for Inventory.

Monitor - Scott replaced broken gauge on fuel tank and cleaned filter on Monitor.

The Chazy Public Library Board of Trustees recognizes that vounteers are a valuable resource for the Library. Their energy and talents help the Library meet its commitment to providing quality service to the public. Volunteers enhance, rather than replace, adequate staffing. Volunteer services aid the Library in making the best use of its fiscal resources and help connect the Library to other community groups and organizations. Volunteers can also be valuable advocates for the Library in the community. The Library and its volunteers must work together to ensure a successful relationship. Library staff wiIl continualIy work to recognize the contributions of Library volunteers and seek to expand the Library volunteer group as needed.
Chazy Public Library volunteers are coordinated by the Director, and must be at least
13 years of age. Volunteers will be interviewed to determine their interests and levels of experience. Volunteer talents, experience, availability and interests will be considered in job assignments.
Chazy Public Library volunteers are bound by the rules contained in all Library policies and guidelines, especially those that relate to patron privacy and confidentiality. Library volunteers are recognized by the public as representatives of the Library and will be guided by the same work and behavior policies as employees. Library volunteers will be familiar with the Library's "Library Volunteer Guidelines" document.
Volunteers work with the status of "at will" employees and the Chazy Public Library has the right to terminate the volunteers working association with the Library at any time, for any reason. Volunteers working in the library are covered by Chazy Public Library's Property and Liability Insurance policy.
Volunteers are asked to record their hours of service in the "Volunteer Log Book" located at the Circulation Desk.
The Library accepts volunteers requiring court ordered community service at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. Court ordered community service volunteers are required to be interviewed by a Board representative prior to being accepted for service.
Junior volunteers under the age of 18 required to perform service for specific programs are accepted on a short-term basis. Parents/guardians of junior volunteer must sign a consent form for their children to perform volunteer service hours at the Library.
Sample from:
Vounteers LaGrange Library
Approved Oct 9, 2008
Volunteer Kent Public Library



Relatively little snow since last meeting, but had to deal with ice on the walkways and driveway. The sand from the Town really served us well.

The Circulation Desk sorround is finished with Director's computer installed. The plan is to replace her computer with a new one soon.

The stained glass is now backlit with a four bulb track light.

The shelf for the back side of the Circulation area is complete, ready to receive a computer for bar coding.

The cabinets for above the shelving are being constructed by Woodworks and will be installed as soon as completed(3-4 wks).

Public computers are working well. MSOffice software is on order and will be installed as soon as it arrives.

An all-in-one unit has been installed for public use. The FAX is operative. The black and white laser printer is the default printer for the public.

Three shelving units have been installed in the basement for storage.

More book shelves were built from left over shelving for the basement book sale area.

The attic fan has been working and seems to have relieved the dampness some. Two vents are to be installed in the old section windows when the weather warms.

The Board Room and Storage Room are complete. Floors and ceilings are finished.

The furnishings that we had in the big basement have been moved into these rooms.

The big basement is relatively clear now.

The oil painting art works are back in the building displayed loosely so that we can decide which to keep and where they will be placed. We also have some certificates and other items that will have to be hung.

Kavanaugh Realty visited the Hubbell bldg with the home inspector. No problems other than the Monitor was acting up. Had it serviced but Scott S. will come back and clean the lines.

Short term objectives:

The Knox Box for the fire fighters has arrived and will be installed in the near future.

Hope to be able to move on the security system if we still wish to put one in at this time.

Need to decide on method of hanging pictures and certificates.

Get a fairly accurate written estimate for the public meeting area by the March 28th meeting.

Review driveway and parking lot estimates.

Install a sump pump in the public room area.

The portable shelves in the children's area will be split in the near future.

Work on the Phase I bills to get total cost so that we can write our final Report, which, hopefully, will allow us to get the last of the Phase I Grant money.


Feb 1 Jim T. Plowed all of Clark yard and front of Dr. Clark's house; John B. GAB assembled second storage shelf and also combo wood metal shelf for books; gave Dan the go ahead on the cabinets for back of Circ area; Brean started on the shelf part

Feb 2 Swept, applied flakes to walkways; John B. assisted with computer programs

Feb 3 Fri. Touched up paint near Circulation counter; hung four pamplet holders; put shelf in window area of Storage Room; put up two pieces of baseboard moulding in Circ area;John B. Painted a book shelf for basement area

Feb 4 Sat. Took boxes to convenience station; Emily in and out during week arranging stacks

Feb 5 Sun. Picked up a 4' metal shelf and assembled it for the storage room; readied Neverette desk to be set up

Feb 6 Touched up wall in bathroom and behind Circulation desk; applied grout compound to Board Room floor; Brean came to double check some measurements; met Tim Ryan to go over basement drawing

Feb 7 Applied more grout to part of the Board Room floor

Feb 8 Finished grouting floor; Breen delivered counter top for back of Circulation desk area

Feb 9 Reorganized big basement, moved things to new shelves; special meeting at 5:30

Feb 10 Fri Removed old comp tables from Circ area; Jim installed counter top in back area of Circulation desk; GAB painted Board Room Floor; JB moved Director's computer to Circ desk, moved laser printer; GAB moved

Feb 11 Sat second coat of paint on Board Room floor; JB worked on new hookup for laser printer; Francie spent hours organizing the desk area

Feb 12 Sunday JB set up the all-in-one

Feb 13 Mon Jim Trombly hooked up track light for stained glass; Angela met with Sonya and set hours, GAB took pictures for Snapshot Day; John B. Tweaked Francie's computer, got FAX working; Charlie Brean came to make some adjustments to the leg of the new counter and shelf; GAB picked up four T8 lights for the old basement from CVElectric; received confirmation of Knox Box shipment; Angela interviewed and hired Sonya for cleaning

Feb 14 Valantine's Day Ordered six copies of MSOffice from Techsoup, due in 4-10 days; assembled Neverett desk

Feb 15 Chardware delivered suspended ceiling materials; C Brean re-installed leg and shelf for new Circulation counter; got and copied Microsoft software license agreement(will store in our safe with Windows 7 DVD and license from Comp Plus); Emily worked on sorting in basement

Feb 16 Jim W worked on installing ceiling in Board and Storage Rooms; got a gallon of trim paint;
painted wood for baseboards in Board Room

Feb 17 Fri Scott Snide servised Monitor and tank at Hubbell; J West finished ceiling in old basement; Sonya stopped in about the steamer and needing rags

Feb 18 Painted Board Room baseboards and touched up wall in various places; Kanvanaugh had home inspection of Hubbell building, OK but monitor still not working properly, Scott Snide is coming back to clean the lines week of 20th

Feb 19 Sun Moved furnishings into Board Room and storage room

Feb 20 Pres Day Finished touching up paint spots; Emily sorted boxes and stored in storage room;
moved Kindergarten wood chairs up to the attic; brought back to the Clark bldg the oil paintings that had been stored at GAB's; they are in various locations for a chance to decide their permanent location; Knox box arrived today

Feb 21 Rearranged some in basement; Jim adjusted the legs on the table in the Board Room and did a rew odd repairs; Hubbell rep inspected at the old library (Tim Ahern) didn't share comments; hand rail for back stairs delivered from Chardware(no invoice)