Wednesday, April 24, 2013



March 27, 2013

Trustees of the Chazy Public Library

Roll call and Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President George Brendler. Present were Trustees Tina Trombly, Debby Powers, Jim Meehan Also present was Library Director Francie Fairchild.

Review of minutes of January 23, 2013: Trustee Trombly moved to accept the minutes as read, second by Trustee Powers. Motion passed.

Treasurer's Report: Motion by Trustee Trombly to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Second by Trustee Meehan. Motion passed. Beginning balance was $65,286.65 Ending balance was $59,228.42.

Committee Reports

Collection Development –Board agreed that books on display for sale in the basement should occasionally be boxed up and replaced with different titles for sale. Boxed books could be sold at the yearly sale.

Policy Committee – No report

Public Relations –Hometown Cable visit planned.

Legal Affairs – No report

Garden Committee – The Cooperative Extension has agreed to a spring garden workshop at our library on a Saturday. The session will be coordinated with Joleen Wallace from Cooperative Extension with assistance of local master gardeners Joann Trombly and Ken Burger.

Fund Raising – No report

Director's Report

Annual Report not yet submitted.

Programs: CEF course regarding instruction of seniors in computer use will be attended by the Chazy Library director and Rini Green, June 14, 2013. The date of the course to be offered for seniors at the Chazy Library by Rini Green is not yet determined.

Senior arts course grant has been submitted.

Motion made by Trustee Trombly to authorize funding of $350.00 for Story Crafters as part of the Library Summer program. Trustee Powers 2nd the motion. The motion passed. The evening of July 23, 2013 is scheduled and will be publicized. It may be explored to determine if the Friends would like to help sponsor the session.

Activities; The board requested that the director not only track the quantity of cards issued monthly but that books checked out be tracked to help in the assessment of library use over a period months. There was discussion that the library must be more than just a source of books and be a center of multi information sources and community resource center and available for activities of groups and individuals of the community. Currently individuals are using the community room for activities on an occasional basis. The Board affirmed there is no charge for not for profit organizations. Use by individuals for gatherings will be addressed on a case by case basis and establishing a proper policy should be discussed at a future date.

Director will attend a Web-inar on Early Literacy, a 1 1/2 hr. workshop at CEF. Will attend a CEF course regarding on-line help resources: “National Network of Libraries of Medicine” Mid-Atlantic. Two workshops – 3 hrs each.


Treasurer will send a receipt to Norman Laurin for the donation to the library, with confirmation of the library’s the tax exempt status.

Unfinished business

Bistro table and chairs completed the grant activity fullfillment.

Board agreed to replace the long black runner on the first floor with one of a different color

No billing from Jimmy West or Charlie Brean has been received yet for their work on the first floor shelving /countertops.

It was decided that no additional light switches are needed in the basement.

The list of the library board and directors are on display on the first floor.

Trustee Powers made a motion to purchase a gazebo from Adirondack Sheds for $6353.35. Trustee Trombly 2nd and the motion passed. A deposit has been submitted.

Trustee Powers made a motion to approve $500 for the purchase of the flagpole for the front grounds of the library. Trustee Tombly 2nd. The motion passed. President Brendler and Trustee Meehan will proceed determining the proper height and specific pole with project completion targeted before Memorial Day 2013

New business

Budget for 2013-14 submitted. Petitions are assumed submitted.

(Action-) The old library sign will be renovated and displayed.

The board discussed the director keeping a daily log book of activities to assist the director and board in execution of needed activities. (Action)- After discussion the board requested that the director instead produce a record of daily weekly monthly activities, which will assist in the mangement of the library especially during absences of the director and assist with time allotment. September agreed to as a due date.

After discussion of the plaque to be displayed on the Gazebo which will be purcahsed with the funds provided by Norman Laurin, it was decided that the (Action)- President would contact Norman Laurin to get more details. (Action)- The board will discuss further the plaque and a dedication ceremony after more information is obtained.

Review of current minutes for motions

Next meeting April 24, 2013 Chazy Public Libary Board Room. Trustee Trombly will not be able to attend

Motion to adjourn by Trustee Meehan at 06:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Meehan for Angela Swan
