Wednesday, March 27, 2013



FEBRUARY 27th , 2013

Trustees of the Chazy Public Library

Roll call and Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President George Brendler. Present were Trustees Tina Trombly, Debby Powers, Jim Meehan and Angela Swan. Also

present were Library Director Francie Fairchild and Friends group President Caroline Harding.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: President Brendler called for executive session, which was held until 5:37 in the Brendler Board room.

Public Forum

Friend's Report – Caroline Harding reports that the Friends have not met since November but they do have money to spend on the library and would welcome a wish list from Francie for minor purchases.

Review of minutes of January 23, 2013: Trustee Trombly moved to accept the minutes as read, second by Trustee Powers. Motion passed.

Treasurer's Report: Motion by Trustee Trombly to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Second by Trustee Swan. Motion passed. Beginning balance was $60,715.36. Ending balance was $67,801, of which $6,109.20 is earmarked for specific programs and projects, including the Gazebo donation, a major book donation and the Development Association grant for specialized programs.

Director's Report – Annual Report is now online; CCRS 4th grade masks are now on exhibit, SUNY intern is in the works, coming hopefully in April for 3 hours/week for 15 weeks, Debby and Tina continue to volunteer to bar-code books and weed the shelves on the weekends, the library was closed one Saturday in February due to snow, Feb book sale wasn’t publicized on facebook, but the half price sale is going well,

Programs: Rini Green has agreed to offer a basic computer course for senior citizens at the library (consensus to use Development Grant money to cover costs), Creative Arts Grant is in progress, but is quite lengthy and detailed. Projected cost for the program will be about $3,000 and requires in-kind contributions from us. Grace Potthast is helping with the paperwork. She will be teaching it on Thursday afternoons in April in the community room. Diane Sabourin will be doing Story Hour on March 2. The theme will be “March into Mittens.”

Trustee Trombly expressed frustration at the inconsistent methods used at our library when shelving books, particularly with reference to the mystery fiction books. She feels strongly that all fiction should be shelved alphabetically by author. Francie prefers to put the new mysteries on a separate shelf in the new book section. No consensus was reached.

Committee Reports

Collection Development – Trustee Powers presented a spreadsheet report of books purchased so far from the Kern donation. Emily continues to purchase new books while weeding downstairs book shelves, boxing extra for sale, discarding others. George has removed the excess shelving and discarded those books, as discussed at the January meeting.

Policy Committee – No report

Public Relations – Lake Champlain Weekly Kern article was not printed, Hometown Cable visit planned for updating since last visit.

Legal Affairs – No report

Garden Committee – The Cooperative Extension has offered to do a spring garden workshop at our library one Saturday. Trustee Trombly will follow up.

Fund Raising – No report


President Brendler presented several gazebo designs for our consideration. Consensus to look into other vendors. Review of estimate for cost, which will exceed the donation we received for this purpose.

President Brendler presented the new framed list of all of our past Directors, which turned out beautiful. Cost was $98, frames were donated. There is also a Trustees list, which cost $89. Four Border computers have been received, SATA 150 hard drives and Windows 7 installed by Total Computer, two free monitors, power cables $300. John Brendler continues to volunteer many hours as our IT source, which is greatly appreciated. He has begun our planned computer replacement program already with the replacement of one of the adult computers upstairs.

HP4050 laser printer damaged, JGB replaced network interface card $25

Student project: One of the CCRS seniors has volunteered to build and donate a bicycle stand as his senior project. We look forward to receiving it.

Flag pole placement in the spring (carrying to spring)


ACTION on proposed budget for 2013-14: Trustee Trombly made a motion to accept the proposed budget, option B, as presented. Second by Trustee Meehan. Motion passed. Trustee Powers will submit it for publication in time for the elections.

Consensus to change Trustee meeting times back to 5 p.m.

Bob and Joann Trombly stopped by the library, along with Karen O'Connor, to present a beautiful stained glass piece in memory of their friend, Cindy Bodine. The framed work is a scene from "Bonnie's Best Day" by James Harris. "This was a favorite story of Allison and Katie Bodine and one of Cindy's favorite children's authors," said Joann. Artist Andrew Beath created the work, which is on display now in the children's section of the library. The lovely piece now hangs in the rear window of the childrens’ room. Shawn and Judy Moore also contributed to the memorial project.

Purchased two boxes of multi-purpose copy paper $50 on sale

Trustee Powers has ordered a new office chair for the staff area. Consensus to also purchase one for the bar-code workspace.

Consensus to purchase two narrow wall mounted magazine racks for the reading room.

Consensus to install an open drawer/sliding shelf for installation under the counter in the bar coding area. The space is currently unfinished and will help de-clutter the bar coding area.

Review of current minutes for motions

Next meeting MARCH 27th , 2013 Chazy Public Library Board Room

Motion to adjourn by Trustee Swan at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Angela Swan
