Sunday, April 22, 2012



1329 Fiske Road

3/28/12 5:30 PM


1. Roll Call and Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 5:37 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees Brendler, Powers, Trombly and Swan. Also present was Library Director Francie Fairchild.

2. Public Forum: The Friends of the Chazy Library will be holding their annual membership meeting on April 30 at 6:00 p.m. at Guma’s restaurant in West Chazy. Members are encouraged to pre-pay and RSVP early.

3. Review of Minutes of Meeting on February 22, 2012, and Special Meeting on March 23, 2012:

Trustee Brendler made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 22 meeting as read. Second by Trustee Powers. Motion passed. Motion by Trustee Trombly to accept the minutes of the special meeting on March 23 as read. Second by Trustee Powers. Motion passed.

4. Treasurer's Report : Motion by Trustee Trombly to accept the February treasurer’s report for the general fund as presented. Second by Trustee Brendler. Motion passed. We had an ending balance of $35,199.81. Motion by Trustee Brendler to accept the February renovation fund as presented. Second by Trustee Trombly. Motion passed. We had an ending balance of $19,523.45, which includes $10,000 in grant funding earmarked for technological improvements.

5. Director’s Report: Annual report is slowly coming together, with assistance from Trustee Powers and Michael at CEF.

6. Correspondence: NYLA Organizational Membership renewals discussed.

7. Website update: Trustee Brendler and Trustee Swan are keeping the website and Facebook pages up to date with photos and activity announcements.

8. President’s Report: President Emily Castine announced that she will not seek re-election after 35 years of service to the Chazy Public Library. Petitions are available at the school and library. 25 voter signatures are required to support any individual’s intention to run for the vacant seat in the May school election.

9. Old or Unfinished Business:

Kerns’ triple-matched donation for books: Matching funds have not yet arrived. Total value of the donation will be $2,000 for books.

Operating Procedures Manual: Francie will complete this by the next meeting. This will be a how-to reference book for substitute librarians.

Volunteers Policy –Trustee Brendler presented a draft policy for review. Motion by Trustee Swan to accept the volunteer policy as amended. Second by Trustee Powers. Motion passed.

Facilities Use Policy (pre-Community Room completion) – Presented by Trustee Brendler for consideration at the next meeting.

Meeting with custodian – Trustee Powers met with the new custodian regarding pay and supplies. She seems to be working out well.

Border Patrol computer status: No contact has been made lately. Francie is having trouble with the request form, which will not allow her to submit without a non-profit number.

10. New Business:

Annual Report to the Community (in form of a flyer) prior to CCRS Budget vote: Trustees Brendler and Castine will work on it with Francie.

Director’s Job Description updating: Trustee Swan will work on it.

Lifetime Art presentation – Trustee Castine requested permission to offer our library as the site for one of the meetings of this group. It will be good exposure for us as it is a CEF-sponsored program.

Purchase of room dividers, digital projector, white board, etc., in April (funds from Charles Wood grant): Trustee Castine will place the order based on the grant specs.

Signing of Removal of Inspection Contingency by President Castine: The final paperwork has been submitted for the sale of the Hubbell. Building. Closing should occur in the next few weeks. Brief discussion of how to allocate the windfall, which was not included in the budget for either general funding or renovations.

Tech Soup (Microsoft donations): Discussion of software available to us from Trustee Brendler will consult with John Brendler on ideas for upgrades from the site.

11. Project Manager’s Report:

Fund-raising – Trustee Trombly reported that we will be sending out a letter to alumni again this year which will target out-of-town alumni who did not receive last year’s letter. Graduating classes from the mid-seventies to mid-nineties will be the focus. We will attempt again to have the letter included in the school newsletter in April.

Other fundraising: We will be selling 200 raffle tickets for $25 each for a chance to win $1,000. Project should net about $4,000. We also will be raffling off two quilts in a separate fundraiser.

Furnishings – Trustee Castine

Children’s Room – halving of shelving units is scheduled for set for week of April 2. Trustee Swan will be contacting Blue Mountain Museum to see who they recommend for quilt framing. Circulation Area – cabinetry will be done as soon as Rodger can get to us.

Reading Room furnishings: lamp, four task chairs for computer stations, and art hanging system are in the works.

Signage –needed for at least two major areas: Children’s and Reference

Grants Team –Trustee Castine

Stewart’s Grant: We have received $500 for the purchase of books.

Phase I - SF10F – closeout report for Library Construction Grant – Project Manager Brendler

Legal Aspects Team – Hubbell building should be in the hands of its new owner by next meeting. Trustee Swan noted that we may want to scale down our emergency funds balance now that construction is complete and the unbudgeted windfall will be arriving from the sale of the old site. Reminder that our archived documents are currently being stored at the historian’s office.

On-site Construction Team – Trustee Brendler

Phase II – Trustee Brendler presented 3 estimates for completion of Phase II construction. Motion by Trustee Powers to accept a bid from West Brothers Construction for $18,613. Second by Trustee Trombly. Motion passed. Trustee Brendler anticipates construction will proceed very quickly, possibly nearing completion within the month.

Phase II - Starting date for driveway & parking lot may need to be moved around on the calendar due to the recent sale of the Clark house next door. Shared driveway issues may cause delays.

Plaque Committee – Trustees Trombly & Powers. No report.

12. Review of Current Minutes (for motions and seconds)

13. Next Meeting: April 18, 2012, at 5:30 PM, 1329 Fiske (conflict with April 25)

14. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Trustee Swan. At 7:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Angela Swan