Thursday, September 29, 2011


Minutes of the Chazy Public Library Trustee’s Meeting

New Building at 6:15


Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 6:20p.m. by President E.Castine. Present were Trustees G. Brendler, D. Powers, T. Trombly. A.Swan was excused. Also present was F.Fairchild, Library Director and C. Harding, Friends’ President.

Public Forum

C. Harding reported that the Town wide yard sale was very successful. 41 households participated at $10.00 each ($410.00), and 115 maps were sold at $1.00 each. OHD bake sale netted $200.00. Book sale scheduled for 8/27 from 9-3 at the Town Hall. There will be a Sept. meeting of the Friends, to be announced. She also reported the founder of the Friends was Emeroy Burton; there was a question as to her first name.

Review of the minutes of meeting on 7/27/11

Motion by G. Brendler to approve the July minutes with corrections, second by D. Powers. Corrections include replace was with were in roll call after Also present and under director’s report replace a hand scanner with bar code scanner. Passed

Treasurers’ Report – Trustee Powers

Motion by T. Trombly to approve the July general fund report. Second by

G. Brendler. Passed Beginning balance was $15,815.05, ending $13,348.04.

Motion by G. Brendler to approve the July renovation fund report. Second by

T. Trombly. Passed. Beginning balance $81,273.79, ending $77,946.81.

D. Powers also handed out a draft of the August renovation expenses. She did a cost per square ft analysis. We can use this information to honor our donors’ wishes.

Directors’ Report-none

Correspondence thank you notes have been sent to Jim Bennett, Maggie Dodds, and Nancy Mooney.

Old Business - we need a cost estimate for appliances that will be part of the phase II grant. E. Castine will go to Lowes and get an estimate.

New Business

  1. Auction to be held in September at George Clark residence. Emily and George were approached to sell food as a fund raiser. We discussed this and it was decided that we could do coffee, bottled water, soda, baked goods and candy (left over from OHD). Tina will approach the Lions to see if they are interested in selling hot dogs, hamburgers, Michigans, etc. Once we have a date I will speak with Rick Laurin, President of the Lions.
  2. Kristin McAuliffe approached George about donating artwork for the children’s area. We will gladly accept her donation and give her a copy of the gift policy.

Project Managers’ Report

Fund Raising – Tina reported that the alumni letters are set to be mailed out. Joann Trombly will be collecting the coin jars at the end of the week. The Orchard will have a jar out since this is their busy time. She will report the totals. Tina, Joyce Samonek and Sue Foreman will sell candy and restaurant gift certificates at the annual book sale. The bottle drive idea is a good one but the committee has no time to organize this.

Furnishings – Emily is working with Jane and Tina is working with Pat to get some totals for furnishings in the library. Debby and I feel we should use the Mission chairs we have in the basement. They will need to be cleaned up. The shelving rep will meet with Emily on 8/29 at 10:00 or 5:00. Charlie Breen will meet with Emily to give us an estimate on the counter-tops. Emily and Debby went to Borders to look at the shelving that is for sale. They determined that it was not suitable for our needs.

Grant – Emily reported that the Farley/Paulin Library Bill has not been signed by the Governor as of this date. Julie Weaver ( CEF) told Emily that the Adirondack Community Trust has a grant opportunity to apply for our matching funds by showing we are using technology to benefit our community. This grant is due by 9/15/2011.

Legal Aspects – The Hubbells responded to our letter. Ten family members are interested in the library. The Town never responded to our letter.

On Site Report – George reported that to get a certificate of occupancy the furnace room need to be fire walled and a supporting beam needs to be put in. He received three quotes. Motion by D. Powers to accept the West Brothers bid of $3,430.00, second by T. Trombly. Passed. Discussed the retaining wall, drainage, portico, expanding the driveway and binder to gravel area. The board agrees that it needs to be done but the concern is that we do not have enough funds to complete the main floor. Any of this work cannot begin until the grant for phase II has been submitted.

Motion to Adjourn by T. Trombly at 7:47.

Next Meeting September 28, 2011 at 5:30.

Respectfully Submitted

Tina Trombly
